what we decide now will be of great importance for future generations 意味

  • 今われわれが決定することは将来の何世代もにとって大きな重要性をもつだろう


        for future generations:    後世{こうせい}のために、後の人々{ひとびと}のために、これからの世代{せだい}のために
        future generations:    future generations 後生 こうせい 後葉 こうよう 後代 こうだい 後人 こうじん
        decide the future of:    ~の未来{みらい}を決める
        as we have to decide quickly:    早急{そうきゅう}に決定{けってい}しなければなりませんので
        now we are six:    {著作} : 六つになったよ◆英1927《著》A?A?ミルン(Alan Alexander Milne)
        now we're sunk:     Nów we're [I'm] súnk! ((略式))もうだめだ,万事休す.
        way we die now:    {著作} : 《The ~》死の演出者◆米1973《著》マイクル?Z?リューイン(Michael Z. Lewin)
        now what:     Nòw whát ? 1 Click... Nòw whát? 2 Click...
        what is it now:     Whàt is it nów? まだほかに何の用だい.
        what now:     Whàt nów ? 1 ((略式))どうしたの;今度は何,(それで)どうするの. Whàt nów? 2 ((略式))今度は何だい,それでどうするんだい.
        affect future generations:    未来{みらい}の世代{せだい}に影響{えいきょう}を与える
        bequeath a legacy to future generations:    遺産{いさん}を次世代{じせだい}[後世{こうせい}]に残す
        bequeath the problem to future generations:    次世代{じせだい}に問題{もんだい}を残す
        betterment of education for future generations:    これからの世代{せだい}の教育面{きょういく めん}の向上{こうじょう}[改善{かいぜん}]
        burden on future generations:    後世{こうせい}への負担{ふたん}


  1. "what we call c" 意味
  2. "what we call “death" is a painful metamorphosis" 意味
  3. "what we can call" 意味
  4. "what we can confirm at this point" 意味
  5. "what we can learn from the human genome" 意味
  6. "what we did was the product of teamwork" 意味
  7. "what we do together as a group" 意味
  8. "what we have heard at this trial matches so well with the suspect's previous reputation that his guilt is difficult to doubt" 意味
  9. "what we loosely define as “cause and effect" is no more than co-occurrence" 意味
  10. "what we can confirm at this point" 意味
  11. "what we can learn from the human genome" 意味
  12. "what we did was the product of teamwork" 意味
  13. "what we do together as a group" 意味

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